Monday, June 07, 2004

waiting for Emma...

my sister is almost due to give birth to a lovely lil' girl bearing the name of Emma Noelle... tension, excitement fills the whole family for the first born... mom even flew in from Ho Chi Mihn just to be able to witness her grand daughter's birth... as for me, i go to my words... hoping one day that Emma shall read these thoughts i had written down for her...


night after night passes as her mother awaits
in the silent beat of a tiny heart she listens...
Emma still has not come...
morning, noon, night constantly caresses
the enclave from which she pleasantly dreams

at the waking of the new morning
a sister prepares for a day of working,
a father listens, feels the warmth
warmth of the sacred breath that binds
both mother child and he...

soon she'll be in the midst of the clan
basking in the beam of eyes gleaming
staring, wondring, gladness filled smiling
the tomorrows heir, her stance, her hair..
the poignant movement she'll probably bear

waiting for Emma on a day like this
rainy, cold and a bit humid,
a scent of gladness surrounding the air
waiting, waiting just to touch her hair,
her cheeks, her hands... glance at her eyes so fair.
